Lawn Care Calendar
Here is a helpful calendar to assist you in planning your lawn care.

Early Spring: Early Spring is the perfect time for getting your lawn's soil tested. This will provide some direction for lawn feeding efforts as well as identifying any problems before they arise later in the year. Aerate your lawn and apply grass seed to spots that need it.

Early Spring is also the time to apply crabgrass preventer and organic base fertilizer. You may also apply weed & grass control to beds to inhibit weed and grass germination where you do not want growth.

Spring: Apply the second application of crabgrass preventer and organic base fertilizer. Use weed control on lawn to take out the weeds. Edge and mulch landscape beds. Plant shrubs, flowers and trees and feed them appropriately.

Summer: Monitor your lawn for insect problems. Apply preventative grub control to insure that these creatures do not do major damage during the lawn's growing season. Plant any other flowers, shrubs and trees and prune planted ones as necessary. Spray trees and shrubs.

Early Fall: Aerification of your lawn is necessary to provide growth. Now is also the time for over seeding, drilling or slicing seed in your existing lawn. Apply an organic base fertilizer to your lawn and spray your lawn for existing weeds.

Late Fall: Apply dormant fertilizer to lawn and apply lime if necessary. Plant trees and shrubs and spray them to protect them throughout the winter.

For a free consultation and free estimate, call us at (865) 687-8050

Bachelor of Science in Ornamental Horticulture & Landscape Design
from the University of Tennessee

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